GSUMC Education Center
The Director
My name is Kimisha Merchant, and I am the Director of Good Shepherd Education Center. I hold an Associate of Arts degree in Education with a focus on Early Education and a Bachelor of Arts in Human Development, specializing in Preschool Education, from the University of the District of Columbia.
With 15 years of experience in education across various capacities and age groups, from infancy through high school, I discovered my passion lies in Early Childhood Education. I am dedicated to creating nurturing, safe learning environments for young children, providing intentional, developmentally appropriate instruction, and supporting them as they reach critical milestones.
I am thrilled that my career path has brought me to this role, and I am excited to contribute to the success of our team and the growth of the children we serve.
Education Center Accreditation
Good Shepherd Education Center has received accreditation from the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE)! MSDE's accreditation program's mission is to encourage programs to provide the highest quality learning environment and practices in an early child-hood setting. The accreditation process incorporates program standards, indicators, and descriptions of best practices for preschool, prekindergarten, kindergarten, center-based childcare and Head Start programs. The focus is on the administration, operation, and family/community partnership of classroom-based programs. Any program that uses these standards and participated in the accreditation process is seeking recogni-tion of their commitment to improve the performance of its early childhood services. Typically this is a two year process of self-appraisal, program improvement and final validation by MSDE. The accreditation is awarded for three years.
Enrollment forms have been sent home with all currently enrolled students. Parents are asked to complete the form and return it with the registration fee ($175 for one child and $100 for additional children in the same family) and place them in the GSEC tuition box in the foyer. Appointments will be made for children who need updates and/or new forms.