Who We Are
Your Church Shopping is Now Over
Good Shepherd UMC just celebrated it’s 56th birthday, and the congregation had a wonderful celebration where we reflected on our favorite things about the church. Watch the video below from our 50th anniversary to see why so many people have chosen to make Good Shepherd their home.
Through God's love we will engage and empower everyone to be living disciples.
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:20”
History of GSUMC
Good Shepherd UMC began as one of the last mission churches of the Evangelical United Brethren Church (EUB) in the “new city” of St. Charles in March of 1968.
Rev. Keith Day led the first service at the new Dr. Samuel Mudd Elementary School with 269 worshipers. The next month, the EUB church merged with the Methodist Church, forming the United Methodist Church. Continue here.
Pastor: Rev. Laurie Gates-Ward
Youth & Children's Ministry: Mars Roberts
Church Administrator: Ameera Andrews
Director of Education Center: Kimisha Merchant
Music Director: Brian Turnmire
Organist/Pianist: Sue Norris